Category: Software Engineering

Mechatronics, Software Engineering, Woodworking, and "Making" in General

Micro Frontends: Fundamental Concepts

What are “micro frontends” and how should they be used? Some fundamental concepts of micro frontends are: Converting Monolithic Application into Micro Frontends Enterprise Application Focus As enterprise applications grow in complexity and scale, it becomes increasingly difficult to manage them as a single monolithic application. Changes to one part of the application can have…
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Future of UI/UX

Fundamental Incoming Changes to UI/UX Enabled by Progress in Compute Resources (i.e. Moore’s law)

Hallucinations in Generative AI: A Brief Overview

Generative AI is a branch of artificial intelligence that focuses on creating new content, such as images, text, music, or speech, from data. Generative AI models learn from existing examples and try to mimic their style, structure, and content. Some of the most popular generative AI techniques are generative adversarial networks (GANs), variational autoencoders (VAEs),…
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When to use Django vs Flask

Companies that use Flask and Django Some popular sites/companies that use Flask and Django are: :

ChatGPT: Software Skills for Mechatronics Engineers

I recently asked a LLM: “What are pieces of software or programming languages one should learn to improve mechatronics skillset?” The response (unedited): Some good software or coding languages for someone to learn to get better at mechatronics are:

When to build a component library (and when not to)

One of the common questions that React developers face is whether they should build a component library for their applications or not. A component library is a collection of reusable UI elements that can be shared across different projects and teams. Building a component library can have many benefits, such as: However, building a component…
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Future of Application Development (as Forecasted by Bing’s Chat-GPT model)

This blog was is intended as a bit of an experiment. I gave Bing’s built-in interface a prompt: “what is the future of application development? how, if at all, will humans be involved in the loop?“ One interesting feature is that the Bing interface allows the user to “regenerate” a draft using the same prompt.…
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Chat GPT Impact, Releases, Pricing

Chat GPT is a family of natural language processing models that can generate coherent and fluent text from a given prompt or context. Chat GPT has had a significant impact on the AI/ML industry, especially for startups, in several ways. Some of the impacts are: Some new startups gaining traction that use ChatGPT or other…
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What are Large Language Models (LLMs)? What are they used for?

Large language models (LLMs) are a type of artificial intelligence system that can process and generate natural language texts. They are trained on massive amounts of text data, such as books, articles, social media posts, and web pages, and learn to capture the patterns and structures of natural language. Some of the main types of…
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Microsoft Playwright Overview

Microsoft Playwright is a framework for web testing and automation that allows testing Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API. It is developed by Microsoft and supports programming languages like Java, Python, C#, and Node.js. Playwright is built to enable cross-browser web automation that is evergreen, capable, reliable and fast. Some of the pros…
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