Navigating the Potential and Pitfalls of LLMs in Creative Processes

Mechatronics, Software Engineering, Woodworking, and "Making" in General

Navigating the Potential and Pitfalls of LLMs in Creative Processes

In the realm of software engineering and UX design, the rise of Large Language Models (LLMs) like DALL-E has opened new frontiers of creativity and efficiency. These AI-driven tools have the remarkable ability to generate images from textual descriptions, promising a future where ideas can be visualized instantly. However, as we integrate these technologies into our workflows, it’s crucial to discern their capabilities, recognize their limitations, and understand the contexts in which they excel or falter.

The Promise of LLMs in Creative Workflows

LLMs like DALL-E can dramatically accelerate the ideation phase of design and development projects. For software engineers and UX designers, the ability to quickly visualize a concept or a design element without needing extensive time or resources is invaluable. This can enhance brainstorming sessions, allowing teams to generate a wide array of visual options or solutions based on textual descriptions alone.

Suitable Applications Today

  1. Rapid Prototyping: LLMs are excellent for creating quick visual prototypes to test and iterate design concepts. This can be especially useful in early project stages, where the focus is on exploring various directions rather than finalizing high-fidelity designs.
  2. Inspiration and Ideation: When seeking inspiration or brainstorming ideas, LLMs can produce diverse visual interpretations of a concept, broadening the creative possibilities for designers and engineers.
  3. Educational Content Creation: For creating illustrative content that accompanies tutorials, guides, or educational materials, LLMs can quickly generate images that match specific instructional needs.

Recognizing the Shortcomings

Despite their potential, LLMs are not a panacea for all visual creation needs. Several inherent limitations warrant careful consideration, especially in contexts requiring precision, originality, or nuanced understanding of human contexts.

Areas Requiring Improvement

  1. Lack of Originality and Authenticity: LLM-generated images, while diverse, often lack the unique flair and authentic creativity that human artists bring. In projects where brand identity or original artwork is paramount, these tools may fall short.
  2. Cultural and Contextual Sensitivity: LLMs may not fully grasp the cultural, ethical, and emotional nuances needed in imagery for certain projects, potentially leading to inappropriate or insensitive content.
  3. Detailed and Technical Illustrations: For UX/UI design that requires highly detailed and technically accurate illustrations, LLMs might not yet offer the precision needed. This is especially true for projects involving complex interfaces or products requiring exact specifications.
  4. Legal and Ethical Considerations: The use of AI-generated images in commercial projects comes with a web of copyright, ethical, and legal considerations that are still being navigated.

The Path Forward

The evolution of LLMs is ongoing, and improvements in their sophistication and understanding are on the horizon. However, integrating these tools into software engineering and UX design processes demands a balanced approach. Here are a few recommendations:

  • Combine AI with Human Creativity: Use LLMs as a tool to augment human creativity rather than replace it. They can serve as a starting point for ideas that are later refined and enhanced by designers and artists.
  • Ethical and Legal Due Diligence: Ensure compliance with copyright laws and ethical guidelines when using AI-generated images, especially for commercial purposes.
  • Continuous Evaluation: Regularly assess the effectiveness and appropriateness of LLM-generated images for your specific project needs, being mindful of the tool’s evolving capabilities.


As we stand on the cusp of a new era in digital creativity, LLMs like DALL-E offer both exciting opportunities and notable challenges. For software engineers and UX designers, the key to harnessing the potential of these tools lies in understanding their current strengths and limitations. By thoughtfully integrating LLMs into the creative process, we can leverage their power to enhance innovation while remaining attentive to the nuances of design and human experience that define truly impactful projects.

Dall-E and other image generation models have demonstrated ability to improve, but there are still many shortcomings that rely in human-in-the-loop evaluation.

I was asking ChatGPT for help designing patterns for fly-fishing. That progressed to trying to generate a more specific image I had in my mind. I provided the prompt:

“Capture the moment of fishing with a worm and bobber where a fish is eating the worm. I want the energy capture without directly seeing the fish”

First, the fish is eating the fishing pole, and there’s a bobber with no hook!

Second, there are more concerning items. The content itself is wrong based on the prompt, identifying the fish should not be visible. The description/caption even explicitly acknowledges as such.

I reached a similar issue recently when trying to generate an image of a diverse group of software engineers.

Even after specifically calling out the issue that everyone is wearing glasses, the issue persisted:

I’ve experienced similar issues previously when I explicitly ask for items to be removed. For example, any image that includes text likely contains it in a nonsensical way. If you like the image, but want the text excluded, it can be impossible based on obvious prompts.

In this case, the secondary prompt to remove the image text succeeded:

But this is not consistently the case, as demonstrated by the glasses example.