A Novel Approach to Technical Interviews: The Mock PR Review

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A Novel Approach to Technical Interviews: The Mock PR Review

Code Review


The technical interview process is a critical phase in hiring software engineers, yet it is often the subject of debate and dissatisfaction among both candidates and hiring managers. Traditional methods, such as coding challenges and take-home assignments, have been staples for assessing a candidate’s technical skills. However, these methods have their drawbacks, including concerns over time commitment, relevance to the job, and the ability to assess soft skills. In this blog post, I propose a novel approach to the technical interview process that might offer a more holistic view of a candidate’s capabilities: the mock Pull Request (PR) review.

The Traditional Approach: A Brief Overview

Coding challenges and take-home assignments are designed to test a candidate’s coding ability, problem-solving skills, and sometimes, their ability to work with specific frameworks or technologies. While these methods can offer insight into a candidate’s technical proficiency, they often fail to assess other crucial skills such as code review, collaboration, and communication abilities. Furthermore, these tasks can be time-consuming and might not accurately reflect the day-to-day responsibilities of the role.

The Proposed Method: Mock PR Review

Instead of focusing solely on code creation, why not assess a candidate’s ability to engage with existing code in a meaningful way? The mock PR review process involves the candidate in a simulated code review scenario, where they are asked to review a purposely flawed PR. This approach has several advantages:

Real-world Relevance

Reviewing PRs is a routine part of a software engineer’s job, making this task highly relevant to the candidate’s potential day-to-day duties. It reflects real-world scenarios where understanding, critiquing, and improving existing code is just as important as writing new code.

Assessment of Technical and Soft Skills

A mock PR review can provide insights into a candidate’s technical acumen, including their ability to identify bugs, understand code structure, and suggest improvements. Moreover, it assesses critical soft skills such as communication, attention to detail, and the ability to provide constructive feedback.

Flexibility and Diversity

By preparing a variety of PRs that target different areas of a codebase or different technical challenges, companies can tailor the interview process to the specific role they are hiring for. This flexibility ensures that the skills being assessed are directly relevant to the job at hand.

Candidate Experience

This approach can be less stressful for candidates, as it places them in a familiar scenario rather than asking them to solve abstract problems under time pressure. It also gives them a chance to demonstrate their skills in a more natural and engaging way.

Implementing the Mock PR Review Process

To effectively implement this approach, companies should consider the following:

  • Preparation: Create several mock PRs that include various types of flaws, ranging from simple syntax errors to more complex logical or architectural issues. These PRs should be designed to assess different aspects of the candidate’s technical and soft skills.
  • Guidance: Provide candidates with clear instructions on what is expected from them during the review process. This might include asking them to comment on code quality, suggest improvements, or identify potential issues.
  • Evaluation: Develop a rubric for evaluating the candidate’s performance. This rubric should consider the thoroughness of the review, the relevance and constructiveness of the feedback, and the candidate’s ability to communicate effectively.
  • Feedback: Offer feedback to the candidate after the review process. This not only contributes to a positive candidate experience but also mirrors the collaborative nature of software development projects.


The mock PR review process represents a novel approach to technical interviews, focusing on skills that are crucial for software engineers but often overlooked in traditional interview formats. By assessing a candidate’s ability to review and improve existing code, companies can gain a more comprehensive understanding of their technical and soft skills. This method also offers a more realistic and engaging candidate experience, potentially improving the overall quality of the hiring process.

As the tech industry continues to evolve, so too must our methods for identifying and nurturing talent. By adopting innovative approaches like the mock PR review, we can ensure that we’re not only selecting candidates with the right technical skills but also those who exhibit the collaboration and communication skills essential for success in today’s software development environments.