When to use Django vs Flask

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When to use Django vs Flask

  • Django and Flask are two popular web frameworks for Python, but they have different features and use cases.
  • Django is a full-stack framework that provides a lot of functionality out of the box, such as an admin interface, a user authentication system, an object-relational mapper (ORM), and a template engine. Django follows the model-view-template (MVT) pattern and enforces a strict project structure.
  • Flask is a micro-framework that gives more flexibility and control to the developer, but also requires more work to set up and configure. Flask follows the model-view-controller (MVC) pattern and allows the developer to choose their own tools and libraries for each component. Flask does not impose any project structure or conventions.
  • Some factors to consider when choosing between Django and Flask are:
  • The complexity and scale of the project. Django is more suitable for large and complex projects that need a lot of features and functionality, while Flask is more suitable for small and simple projects that need more customization and experimentation.
  • The learning curve and development speed. Django has a steeper learning curve but also provides more convenience and productivity, while Flask has a lower learning curve but also requires more effort and time to build and maintain the application.
  • The performance and scalability. Django and Flask have similar performance in terms of speed and efficiency, but they differ in how they handle concurrency and scalability. Django uses a thread-based approach that can handle multiple requests with one process, but may suffer from blocking issues and memory leaks. Flask uses a process-based approach that can spawn multiple processes to handle concurrent requests, but may consume more resources and require more configuration.

Companies that use Flask and Django

Some popular sites/companies that use Flask and Django are:

  • Disqus: A platform that allows users to implement comments and discussion options on their websites, analyze audience activity and customize ad serving. It uses Django as its core framework .
  • PADI Travel: A global diving platform that offers users the widest selection of liveaboards, dive resorts, and dive centers worldwide. It was developed by DjangoStars using Python and Django .
  • Instagram: A social media site that allows users to share photos and videos, follow other users, and explore content. It uses Django for its backend development .
  • Spotify: A music streaming service that provides users with access to millions of songs, podcasts, and playlists. It uses Django for its web development .
  • YouTube: A video-sharing platform that allows users to upload, watch, and comment on videos. It uses Django for its web development .
  • Pinterest: A social media site that uses image and link sharing through pinboards. It uses Flask as a core language and API .
  • Uber: A ride-hailing service that connects drivers and passengers through a mobile app. It uses Flask for its backend development .
  • Reddit: A social news aggregation site that allows users to post, vote, and comment on content. It uses Flask for its backend development .
  • Netflix: A streaming service that provides users with access to movies, TV shows, documentaries, and original content. It uses Flask for its backend development.
  • Mozilla: A non-profit organization that develops open-source software, such as the Firefox browser. It uses Flask for its backend development .

: https://djangostars.com/blog/10-popular-sites-made-on-django/
: https://careerkarma.com/blog/companies-that-use-flask/
: https://www.mygreatlearning.com/blog/flask-vs-django/
: https://github.com/rochacbruno/flask-powered