Tag: GPT-4

Mechatronics, Software Engineering, Woodworking, and "Making" in General

Future of Application Development (as Forecasted by Bing’s Chat-GPT model)

This blog was is intended as a bit of an experiment. I gave Bing’s built-in interface a prompt: “what is the future of application development? how, if at all, will humans be involved in the loop?“ One interesting feature is that the Bing interface allows the user to “regenerate” a draft using the same prompt.…
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Chat GPT Impact, Releases, Pricing

Chat GPT is a family of natural language processing models that can generate coherent and fluent text from a given prompt or context. Chat GPT has had a significant impact on the AI/ML industry, especially for startups, in several ways. Some of the impacts are: Some new startups gaining traction that use ChatGPT or other…
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