Tag: frontend development

Mechatronics, Software Engineering, Woodworking, and "Making" in General

NPM vs Yarn: Which One Should You Use for Your React Project?

If you are a React developer, you might have wondered which package manager to use for your project: npm or yarn. Both are popular tools that help you install and manage dependencies, run scripts, and automate tasks. But what are the main differences between them, and how do they affect your development workflow? In this…
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Sharing Data Between Micro Frontends: React Context

React context can be used to share state data across micro frontends. React context provides a way to pass data through the component tree without having to pass props down manually at every level. This can be useful for sharing state data between different parts of an application, including micro frontends. To use React context…
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Micro Frontends: Fundamental Concepts

What are “micro frontends” and how should they be used? Some fundamental concepts of micro frontends are: Converting Monolithic Application into Micro Frontends Enterprise Application Focus As enterprise applications grow in complexity and scale, it becomes increasingly difficult to manage them as a single monolithic application. Changes to one part of the application can have…
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